Research Team

Postdoc Researchers

Dr. Vasso (Vassiliki) Apostolouda is a Postodoctoral Researcher in the Department of Linguistics at the Faculty of Philology, A.U.Th. Dr. Apostolouda earned her PhD in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics from the Department of Linguistics at A.U.Th. in 2018. Prior to her doctoral studies, she completed her Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics in 2012 and her BA in Philology with a specialization in Linguistics in 2008, both at the Faculty of Philology, A.U.Th.

From December 2019, Dr. Apostolouda has been contributing to the Department of Linguistics at A.U.Th. as a Postodoctoral Researcher. Her project, titled Lexical frequency effects and prosodic regularity as facilitators for morphological awareness: Evidence from native and non-native speakers of Greek, showcases her commitment to advancing our understanding of how word frequency and prosodic properties of words facilitate the acquisition and understanding of morphological structure. Currently, she is undertaking her second postdoctoral research project at the same department. Titled Theoretical Approaches and Experimental Research Methodology for Exploring Stress in Children and Adults, her current project aims to experimentally investigate how both young and adult speakers determine stress placement in novel words, including both verbs and nouns. Additionally, it seeks to develop a tool for automatic pseudoword construction.

Ιn addition to her postdoctoral positions, Dr. Apostolouda has served as an Adjunct Lecturer at the Department of Language and Intercultural Studies, University of Thessaly (2020-2022), and the Department of Primary Education, Democritus University of Thrace (2021-2023). She has also been involved in collaborative teaching at the Hellenic Open University (2021-2022). From February to June 2020, she contributed as an Adjunct Lecturer to the Department of Education Sciences in Early Childhood at Democritus University of Thrace.

Dr. Apostolouda has received several research grants and scholarships. Notably, she received the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) support for the “Reinforcement of Postdoctoral Researchers – 2nd Cycle” program (2019-2021). She also received a Doctoral Scholarship from the ‘A.- F. Christidis’ bequest for postgraduate studies in Linguistics during her PhD candidacy (2014-2016). Additionally, she was a visiting doctoral student at the University Paul Valery/Montpellier 3, thanks to an Erasmus placement scholarship (10/2014-01/2015).

Her research, including papers on nominal stress properties, stress grammar during language acquisition, and experimental approaches to pseudoword construction, has been featured in reputable conferences and proceedings. Her involvement in Education of Immigrant and Repatriate Students project (Department of Linguistics, A.U.Th.,; Funding IDs: 85705, 86040, 86041) from April 2011 to July 2013, highlights her dedication to exploring the practical application of Greek grammar in classroom teaching within the framework of contemporary linguistic theory.